Ben Cecchini-Ramos

I Understand & Inspire Teens With Trauma

My first friend that passed away was a victim of gang violence.

My dad passed away of an unexpected heart attack 8 months later.

The next two friends I lost overdosed on heroin.

Trauma has created anxiety and fear-based blockages that have kept me stuck in unhealthy patterns.

“Failures” from my past have held me back from moving with confidence towards my dreams.

I’ve seen so many friends suffering in silence, afraid of opening up and seeking support, and I know there are so many more people just like them.

This is why I feel called to help inspire others to open up, to speak up, to face their fears and challenges, with courage, with support, and with love.

I believe this work can change the world.

blending passion
and profession

On a mission to inspire millions of people to be the best they can be, Ben founded 501c3 non-profit Give N’ Grow Basketball in 2017 after leaving his corporate career with Under Armour.

Ben believed that meeting kids where they are already inspired to learn and participate – on a basketball court with the music they love – was the best way he could engage students and deliver essential mental health and social emotional learning skills.

Over the years GNG has impacted over 30,000 K-5th graders from all over the world with mindfulness, breathwork, and SEL music and movement. GNG has partnered with the Jr NBA for All-Star Weekend multiple times, and has even teamed up with NBA / WNBA teams and players to elevate their impact.

If you’re interested, learn more about Give N’ Grow here!

Ben served as a group therapy facilitator with intensive out patient mental health provider Charlie Health for 12-23 year olds that experience acute, severe mental health challenges and diagnoses such as bipolar, substance use, suicidal ideation, physical/emotional abuse, depression, and anxiety.

Through this experience Ben has learned how to connect with, support, and inspire youth that are experiencing the most challenging of times and has developed the skill to meet them where they’re at with empathy, compassion, and of course humor!

Mental health and peak performance focus

Ben is the co-author of “Full-Time Parent…Part-Time Coach” – a practical guide for how to be a caring, fun, and fair youth sports coach. 

This project was created in collaboration with Jerry Toomer – Author of “The Catalyst Effect“, Professor at Butler University, and PhD in Counseling Psychology – as well as John Shertzer – Author, Executive Director, and C-suite Executive.

While building and impacting with Give N’ Grow Basketball, Ben became certified as a life coach through the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) where he learned skills such as motivational interviewing, active listening, compassionate communication and iPEC’s energy leadership coaching model.

Ben has certifications in two different styles of breathwork meditation, SOMA Breath and Elemental Rhythm. These health and performance modalities are supported by recent research and thousands of years of practice in a variety of cultures.

In 1-1 and group breathwork settings, Ben’s clients drop into the deepest forms of meditation, even during their first session, and experience everything from trauma/stress release to mental clarity to boosts in focus, emotional awareness and body connection.

Ben’s degree in Mathematics from Washington & Jefferson College is of course the root cause of his mental health focus…😂😂😂

Ben started offering free guided breathwork meditations during the quarantine and shares them on his Youtube Channel so everyone can experience the power of breathwork from wherever they are. 

On his channel, Ben shares a variety of videos that offer you the opportunity to explore breathwork and your breath, experience the benefits of breathwork, and expand your understanding of yourself through breathwork.

His favorite videos combine popular music with Breathwork to help you release, relax, recharge and grow mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually in a fun and familiar way.

Check them out here!

From the front office to footwear

After graduating college in 2013, Ben started his professional career as a ticket membership associate for the front office of the Atlanta Hawks. This is where he started learning about the sports industry and building connections.

Two weeks into his time with the Hawks, Ben’s dad unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack.

As fate would have it, less than a month after losing this tragic loss, Ben received a call from Under Armour to interview for his then dream opportunity as a Footwear Developer!

Then, after 6 memorable months with the Hawks, he moved to Baltimore to start working with UA on Steph Curry’s first and second signature shoes!

International inspiration & Impact

Ben has been fortunate enough to live in both Africa and Central America connecting with diverse groups of people, collaborating on impactful projects, and learning from various cultures.

Ben left Under Armour in 2017 to do some soul searching, and headed to Accra, Ghana, to volunteer as a basketball trainer and youth mentor. It was here Ben connected with his passion for serving youth and was inspired to create Give N’ Grow Basketball.

Ben has also lived in Nosara, Costa Rica, an international community located in one of the world’s Blue Zones. Here he taught breathwork, coached basketball, and leveled up his Spanish to be able to connect with even more people around the world!

Love, Life, & leisure

Ben is completely in love and happily married to his wife, Erica, who he’s known (and has had a crush on) since they were in first grade!

Sadly (and yet perfectly), Erica moved away in 7th grade.

Fast forward to Ben’s first national assembly tour in 2020, Ben and Erica, both single, reconnected in Chicago.

Sparks flew, birds sang, AND THEN… quarantine hit…😒

Being the free spirits they are, they moved to Costa Rica, got married, found a cat, named her Blue, and learned how to deal with giant spiders, rainy season mold, and household ant invasions.

Together Ben & Erica share the passion for educating youth, connecting with nature, playing and coaching sports, and spreading love to others around the world.

Additionally, Ben loves dancing, playing the jimbe and native flutes, hiking & birdwatching, deeply connecting with friends, and traveling the roads less travelled.

Learn more about ben's programs